
In various contexts, I have automated Excel data processing (VBA + xml). This page references the most conventional processing files.

Data processing (U-Th)/He (dating) :

The “(U-Th)/He” method is a dating method based on the elements Uranium – Thorium – Samarium, which produce Helium-4 by alpha radioactive decay. This method is standard in the geosciences and is mainly used in low-temperature thermochronology.

Le fichier Excel Reduction (U-Th) l He permet de traiter les données brutes multiples et nécessaires à la méthode (U-Th(-Sm)) / He et de calculer les âges associés. Il a fait partie d’une publication en 2021 (Gautheron et al. 2021) et continue d’être mis à jour pour inclure d’autre aspect de cette méthode.

Processing of data obtained by standard range (ICP-MS) :

One way of determining the elemental concentration in a solution is to compare it with solutions that have been calibrated elsewhere. This method is called the standard range.

The ChemData Reduction Excel file can be used to process raw ICP-MS data and calculate concentrations using the “standard range” method. It was produced in collaboration with XXXX from the GEOPS laboratory (Géoscience Paris Saclay). Note that there is a logiciel python published (Tharaud et al. 2015) which allow to do a similar approach.