QTQt natively integrates an interface for creating data files, including various data types and numerous options. Only any recurring user of QTQt exploiting (U-Th)/He data knows that it can be time-consuming and tedious to enter data. To simplify this step, I’ve created an Excel file that allows you to simply generate the QTQt input file from a data table.
- Download
- Description / tutorial
- List of options
Downloading :
QTQt input files
- V1.1 : addition of the Derycke (Gerin-Ketcham) “diffusion model” option (currently being published)
Description, principle and operation of the file :
This file is based on VBA code (fully accessible) and works via 3 buttons and 3 sheets. It was initially created to create (U-Th)/He data files and is therefore mainly used to enter this type of data, although you can add fission trace data if you wish. When creating a QTQt input file, if there is a match between the name of a (U-Th)/He sample and the name of an FT sample, the two will automatically be grouped together in the same file (i.e. a single sample).
The buttons and Excel sheets:
- Create data files : generates QTQt input files
- Review data files : reads existing QTQt input files and fills the file with the corresponding data (data extraction)
- Example : fill the file with example data to show you how to enter data
- Data : allows you to enter the data (U-Th)/He
- AFT : allows you to enter fission trace data
- Info : groups together the various correspondence tables between the data entered and the writing format of the QTQt input files
Data input (U-Th)/He :
The principle of data entry is as follows: one line corresponds to one grain and as long as the name (column A) is the same, the grains belong to the same sample. The grain information is then grouped by theme:
- blue: information about the sample
- orange: information on the diffusion / healing models of the grain
- green: information on the composition of the grain
- brown: additional options
FT data input :
There is no specific layout for fission trace data; it corresponds directly to that of QTQt input files. To fill it in, we recommend Reviewing an existing file or copying and pasting the data from a previously created input.
List of options :
- Name: enter the name of the sample. As long as the name is the same, the file will group the grains in the same file.
- Name: enter the name of the sample. As long as the name is the same, the file will group the grains in the same file.
- Time (sedimentation) – Temperature (sedimentation) [opt.]: used to enter deposition data for a detrital sample.
- Temperature (Today) [opt.]: used to enter the current temperature of the sample
- Code for radiation damage model: used to select the grain damage model (i.e. the helium diffusion model).
- Code for annealing model: used to select the damage healing model (must be common to a sample)
- code for composition: used to enter the parameters for calculating the damage healing code
- Age (uncorrected): age (U-Th)/He uncorrected for the helium ejection factor
- U / eU: concentration of Uranium or effective Uranium
- Th, Sm (total) [opt.]: Th and Sm concentration, necessary only if the eU is not entered
- He: 4He concentration
- Rs: equivalent sphere radius of the grain (if calculated) or grain length
- Special for Rs Resampling [opt]: resamples the grain size on a log10 basis. Resampling method is used to define whether or not resampling will have an impact on path discrimination during inversion.
- W, H [opt.]: depth and width of the grain if its size is not entered as Rs
- Crystal: type of crystal (used to define diffusion parameters)
- Crystal geometry: used to define the input crystal geometry (Rs, W, H)
- eU var [opt.]: percentage of eU resampling during inversion (“eU error”)
- DEa (Eb), Resample Gerin[opt.]: Gerin-Derycke model parameter
- Ejection distance, D0, Activation energy [opt.]: crystal diffusion parameter in the event of an unconventional parameter